Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Ok so I've been away for almost a week. I love seeing our family but it seems like everyone needs a few days to recover. We had a nice time Friday and most of Saturday with Bill's family. We actually drove back home Saturday night after Will fell asleep. It was a great idea--he slept the whole 5+ hour drive from the coast, ate when we got home and then slept until 7!!  Monday, he and I had a pajama day. I woke up with a horrible headache but couldn't take my migraine meds because they aren't safe to use while breastfeeding. Tylenol did nothing for it. So we had a day of pajamas and all the blinds closed. It was a LONG day. I was extremely grateful when Bill came home and offered to deal with dinner. No chance I was up for that.

Yesterday was an interesting day. I had a phone interview with Walgreens. I think it went well but I haven't heard back from them yet. It is a little hard for me to think about going back to work and leaving my little man with people at a daycare center. I have always referred to myself as an out of work pharmacist--a pharmacist without a job, but in fact I've been a stay at home mom for 4 months now. While I miss work and would like to go back to work, I don't know if full time is the answer. I've looked for part time options but haven't really found any. I am seriously torn over this. Today I've been really trying to soak up all the moments with my little guy in case this is coming to an end. I never saw myself being a stay at home mom or even understood how others could do it. I thought I'd be bored but now I get it. Hopefully, if I go to work for this company I will be able to change positions if anything part time opens up. If not, if there isn't the right balance of family time, I may not take a job if they offer me one. Luckily, we are in the position where I don't have to work. I can stay at home if I want to, Bill has made that clear, but if I worked things would be much easier. I guess we will just have to wait and see what the people of Walgreens have to say first.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy thanksgiving!!

Today is the day we do our mad dash! We started the day at my dad's house for thanksgiving and are currently driving the 6 plus hours to Bill's parents as I write this.

I've spent most of the morning thinking about last thanksgiving. This time last year I left my job at the hospital to supervise the renovation on our house. Bill was weeks away from finishing his masters degree. I fully expected to go back to work that January for Target. Little did I know that our precious baby boy was already a part of our lives and his needs would change all my plans! Now I look at our little boy and can't imagine our lives without him! So this Thanksgiving, I'm most thankful for our happy, healthy baby. There were times during my pregnancy when I was concerned he might not be. I look forward to our first Christmas together as well!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Welcome to the family, Vickey!

Well yesterday was the big day. My dad and his girlfriend, Vickey, got married in New Orleans. My parents split in 1996 and I honestly never thought he would find someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Granted, she has really been a part of our family for over 2 years now but now it's official! I couldn't be happier about it. Everyone in our family loves Vickey. It's almost like she's always been there. She's always treated my siblings and I as if we were her own and the same for our children.

My husband and I spent a long time trying to pick out a wedding gift for them. It was hard!! Have you ever tried to pick out a wedding gift for a couple who seems to have everything?? We did find something thankfully. I'm going to keep it a secret for now since we haven't given it to them yet. Once again, welcome to the family Vickey!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend Review

We had a seriously busy weekend around here this past weekend. We finally got all of our donations over to Good Will. Thank goodness. We ended up donating four bags full of clothes and shoes. I am glad it is all gone to a new home and out of ours. It felt good to finally get it out of our front room. We also donated our old Christmas tree since Bill has promised I can get a new one for this year! Hurray! We also donated all of the baby formula that people had given us to the church since breastfeeding is going well we won't be needing it. Then, we managed to get our grocery bag for the Thanksgiving food drive filled with the necessary items and returned to the church.

We took time out from all the house cleaning to watch football on Saturday! Mississippi State finally ended its loosing streak! Hurray! Someone wasn't able to stay awake for the whole game!

The next few days around here are going to be really busy as we prepare for all our holiday travels. I am not looking forward to driving 4.5 hours to my dad's house. Then, two days later drive 5-6 hours to Bill's family on the coast. All of this with a 3 month old!! Hopefully, it will all go well. We got Will's new car seat in this weekend so we are planning to try it out on this long trip. We never expected to get a new seat this early but he is so long he barely fits in the infant seat anymore. It seems ALOT safer than his infant seat. We got a Britax Marathon and it seems stronger, sturdier, and just all around SAFER than the old seat. This makes me wonder if we shouldn't have just started with this seat to begin with. Although it was nice to be able to take the infant carrier in places when he fell asleep in the car. I'm sure he will love the new seat and be more comfy on our upcoming journey!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

In the beginning...

I have never blogged before but on the advice of a friend I've decided to give it a try. I'll start with some info about me...
  • I'm 31 years old.
  • I'm originally from Mississippi but now live in Alabama.
  • Married to the kindest man I've ever met for over 2 years now.
  • I'm an unempolyed pharmacist which really means I'm a stay at home mom right now!
  • I have the most amazing 3 1/2 month old little boy--he melts my heart everyday!
I'm not really sure if I'll stick with blogging but for now I'm going to try. I currently follow several blogs and love reading them so I hope I will be able to do as good a job as some of them.

Here are a few pics of my favorite little man!