Wednesday, June 26, 2013

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday
It's Wednesday so it's time for another So What! Wednesday. Here's what I'm saying so what if:
-My post yesterday is stuck in blogger limbo. It says it's posted when I look at my blogger dashboard but it is definitely not on my page. Guess I'll repost it later this week if it doesn't show up!
-Yesterday, the baby went down for a nap at 8:30am. My choices were clean the house, nap, or shower. Guess what I did...nap. I seriously needed the sleep.
-This morning was just like yesterday morning...nap won yet again.
-I let my son eat cantaloupe for dinner last night. He refused the chicken and squash. He would only eat cantaloupe. At least it's fruit so it's healthy.
-Two of my best friends are coming to visit Friday and I have yet to clean the house. I mean we all went to college together surely they don't expect a super clean house. They know I have a seriously active 11 month old right??
-Laundry has been waiting in the laundry room for several days now. Who cares? I just shut the door and pretend it's not there.
-I couldn't wait to watch yesterday's episode of Pretty Little Liars this morning so I watched it during breakfast...with the baby in the room. I try not to let him watch TV but I couldn't wait. He really didn't seem interested anyway. He just played with his toys instead.
-I ate 2 oatmeal cream pies today. Those things are seriously addictive. I don't know why my husband keeps buying them when he knows I can't resist them.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts
Today I'm linking up with Jennifer at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for another Thursday Thoughts!
-Last night I watched Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC. Two things struck me. Number 1: These people are crazy! Some of these moms are spending thousands of dollars on these pageants and they are obsessed! Some of the kids have fake teeth and hair pieces! A lot of the mom's are more upset if their child doesn't win than the kiddos. Last night the police were called on one of the moms because she was acting so crazy. Seriously, what kind of example does this set for your child?? Number 2: TLC stands for the learning channel. I don't feel like any program I saw advertised (or the one I was watching) involved learning at all. Here comes Honey Boo Boo definitely not a learning opportunity.
-I have become obsessed with Pretty Little Liars. I watched the previous season in record time on Netflix. Then, I scrolled through our guide forever to find the premiere from last week's rebroadcast so I could record it. And I set up a recording for all future episodes!! Both of which I watched yesterday. So now I'm completely caught up and feel sad that I now have to wait weekly to see what happens to these overly dramatic high schoolers! Ridiculous I know but we all need our fixes!
-I am looking for a place to let me make the invitations I want for William's birthday. I want a card that shows all his monthly pictures I've taken. I can't find any where on the web to let me create and order them. It is really bumming me out. I wanted to have it finished by Monday so when I take his 11 month pic I can just insert it and order. I know exactly how I want it to look. I just need someone to make it for me and I feel like I'm running out of time!! If anyone knows where to get/make these PLEASE let me know!
Guess that's it for the day--go link up with Jennifer!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Shannon over at Life After I Dew for another So What! Wednesday. This week I'm saying so what if:

-I don't work again until July 5th! So that means no money but so what! I'd rather be home with my little guy!
-I haven't been to the grocery store in over a week. I am going to go today. We really need some food! Plus, I forgot to thaw the hamburger meat I need for the spaghetti tonight so I have to buy more.
-I am sad about the fish pond. Apparently, it is going to cost over $2000 to fix our pond. I was hoping for like $500. I think we are going to have to wait to fix it. I can't see spending that much money right now on a luxury item. It's not like it's the roof or something. Basically, it's not something we need to live so I can't see spending the money. Maybe we can save money and do this at a later time
-I go Thursday to see the oral surgeon again. If everything has healed correctly I will get my implant crowns next week! Finally, the disastrous saga of my teeth will be over. However, I am still scared about this...they said it takes 1.5 hours. Why does it take that long to put on 2 crowns--scary.
-My mother's day fig trees are growing figs! The guy at the nursery said it would take a couple of years so I am surprised. I am seriously concerned the squirrels will try to get them before they are ripe. Is it illegal to kill squirrels if they are bothering you? I mean these squirrels are always digging up my flowers, peppers, and eating all the bird seed.
-I have given up on making William wear shoes. He hates them and cries about it when I put them on. I'm hoping when he starts to walk things will go better.
-Two of my best friends from college are coming to see me next week! I am excited. I haven't seen one of them in years. She's been working at an Air Force hospital in Germany. I haven't seen the other one since my baby shower. Neither has seen my son except for in pictures! I can't wait.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Friday Photo bomb!!

It's been a while since I did a post of just photos of William (or maybe not but I don't care)!

I kept a friend of ours baby for a few hours Wednesday. Their child is one day older than ours and they were so cute together. This is what my life would have been like with twins!!

Double trouble!

At the splash pad at the YMCA with his cousin

Mouth full of peas and squash

Worn out little boy!

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

Today I'm linking up with Jennifer for another Thursday's Thoughts:

-How much will it cost to fix our fish pond? When we moved here the previous owners said it worked. I'm sure it does except the cracked liner! If you can't hold water, you are not a functioning pond in my opinion. I would really like for it to work but I'm not interested in spending a fortune on this. It is small but the liner is held in place by huge landscaping rocks. I think labor alone will be a fortune. There is no way we can do it ourselves. We do not have the equipment/strength to lift these giant rocks. My husband is considering spraying Flex-seal on the current liner and seeing if it works. Is flex-seal toxic to fish/plants? I can imagine how beautiful it will look with little orange fish and water lilies in it. I may have let my imagination get ahead of my so if it is not too expensive to fix I may try to talk my husband into it.
-When is the right time for us to consider having a second baby? People seem to be all over the place on this question. Some people swear 18-24 months is the perfect age. Others are telling me 3-4 is much easier. William is almost 11 months old and I am not ready for a second right now. I think my husband would be thrilled if I were pregnant right now but his experience isn't the same as mine. It is crazy enough chasing him around right now. I want them to be close enough in age to play together but not so close that I'm having to nurse two babies at the same time. Is that even possible?? I am also 32 years old and don't want to be 40 and pregnant or still changing diapers. I keep hoping that I will just know when the time is right.

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Shannon for another So What! Wednesday.

This week I'm saying so what if:
-Pretty Little Liars Season 3 came out on Netflix this week. I am already on  episode 14. I have a problem and I know it. Basically, all I've done during nap time and when he goes to bed at night is watch this show!
-I am an idiot. Last night I drove home in the dark without my glasses. For those of you who know me, this was a bad idea. I am pretty much blind in the dark. When I left it was daylight but when I came home it wasn't. Luckily, Panera is only 5 minutes from my house.
-I want to rip out my front flowerbed and redo it. After doing my brother-in-laws this weekend I don't like mine and want to redo it. Guess that will have to wait until next year.
-I am reading a book written by a friend of my brother in law. I really wanted to like this book because he is a nice guy but I don't. Now I'm afraid I'll run into him somewhere and he'll ask if I like his book. I won't be able to lie about this. Honestly, it started out good (for like 20 pages) and then it got extremely confusing and hard to follow. I really hope it picks up soon.
-My son eats better than me. Yesterday for lunch he had leftover grilled chicken with fresh peas, steamed squash and zucchini. I ate a microwavable lasagna. Sad I know, but at least he's going to be healthy.
-I don't want to go to work tomorrow. Oh well, after Thursday, Friday, next Monday and Tuesday I'm off until July 5th!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday Round-up

It was a seriously busy weekend around here. We worked really hard redoing my brother in laws flower beds. He went from dead or overgrown bushes to a nice flower bed featuring roses and lilies. I am pleased with the way it turned out and hope he is too.

Our little guy has been teething again. He's had a lot of problems with these two teeth. I feel so bad for him, but there is nothing I can do about it. He has been sleeping a lot and very much attached to Mr. Bear--he even had to go to Wal-Mart with us today. Hopefully, those teeth will pop through soon and he will feel better. Because he is feeling bad I became one of those moms--the ones that buy their child a toy at the store. I bought him one of the little people dolls. He saw it when we went in and started reaching for it. So I gave in. I guess it was worth it but hopefully he doesn't expect something every time we go.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

Today I'm linking up with one of my favorite bloggers, Jennifer of Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for  Thursday Thoughts:
-Did I miss the season finale of Grey's Anatomy?? It is not on my DVR and it's been a couple of weeks since the last episode. I really hope not but I wouldn't be suprised my cable company is horrible.
-Has anybody seen the commercial for this show Mistresses on ABC?? Seriously, we are supposed to watch, like, and care about characters in a show about women who sleep with other women's husbands? The execs of ABC have lost their minds. In my opinion this should not be on tv. There should not be a show that celebrates sleeping with married men.
-I'm excited about this weekend. My brother in law finally agreed to let me redo his front yard. It needs it bad. There are nothing but over grown and dead bushes in front of his house. He's even provided a reasonable budget for it too. I see rose bushes and other perennials in his future! It seriously has to be low maintenance because he is not into replanting every year. I think its going to look great! Plus I've already done and redone our yard so I don't think Bill is going to let me rip out our plants and redo it for the next couple of years!
-If anyone is considering menu planning but isn't sure if it's for you ---do it! This is the first week we haven't had a menu plan in months and it has been horrible. I was sick Sunday so it did not get done for the week. Then, I worked Monday and more sickness on Tuesday. I have felt completely lost during dinnertime not knowing in advance what was going on or if we had the ingredients for what we decided to hae. Usually, we plan the menu on Sunday and shop for anything we don't have. We try to plan using all our veggies from our weekly food co-op delivery. This week I'm panicked that we won't get them used. I feel like I have no idea what food is in the house. It is horrible. In the beginning I thought it was a pain to do it, now I feel like I can't come up with a dinner plan unless it's decided on Sunday. Also, we have definitely saved money by doing this. We don't have wasted food since there is usually a left over day planned in our week.

So What! Wednesday

So What Wednesday

Today I'm linking up with Shannon for another So What! Wednesday. This week I'm saying So What! If:

-I didn't go to work yesterday. My little guy was sick so I had to call out even though I've only worked there for 3 weeks.
-I have to work tomorrow to make up that day :(
-I'm still having doubts about returning to work in the first place. It was nice to see my paycheck deposited but I hate leaving this little guy.

-I hate pumping at work....It is the worst thing ever!
-I haven't gotten my dad or my husband a father's day gift. My dad is easy...Lowe's gift card makes him a happy guy any day, but Bill is going to be harder.
-I feel like I clean our floors at least 3 times each day and I'm tired of it. If I don't William finds (and tries to eat) every little thing on them!
-I haven't figured out what's happening for William's first birthday and it's only 6-7 weeks away!
-I'm considering taking the batteries out of William's glowing sea horse. The music drives me nuts and it plays forever!!
-I have a huge pile of laundry sitting upstairs that needs to be folded and I currently have zero plans to do this. I keep hoping Bill will do that's ever going to happen!