Wednesday, February 13, 2013

So What Wednesday!

So What Wednesday
For a couple month's now I've been reading So What Wednesday after I discovered Life After Dew (by accident!), so this week I've decided to participate! So here's what I'm saying so what for this week:
  • I gave up eating out for Lent and the first thing I see this morning is a pancake commercial for Cracker Barrel. Of course, I now want those pancakes and I have nothing to make pancakes with! How am I going to make it 40 days??
  • it's 9 am and my son is still in his pajamas. I have no intention of changing him. Like yesterday.
  • I haven't gotten Bill a Valentine's Day gift yet!
  • Last week, my husband bought advanced wrinkle cream instead of my usual moisturizer. I secretly like it better but won't tell him.
  • I'm annoyed that nothing taped on my DVR last night so I have nothing new to watch during the baby's first nap.
  • I had my baby 6 months ago and I still haven't bought any new jeans. My pre-pregnancy ones are too small even though I weigh less than I did before the baby. I'm wearing a size up but they are too big. Not fair. Time for a new company!
  • I'm over this cold weather. Bring on the SPRING!!


  1. Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I couldn't respond to your sweet comment because your email isn't linked to your blogger... I think you can change that in blogger settings somewhere :)

    I'm hoping to give up eating out for lent too! It's SO CHALLENGING, but I guess that means i need to do it :)

  2. 9am and still in pajamas sounds good to me! Sometimes we aren't even up at 9am.

    Stopping by from So What Wednesday!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  3. Wear PJs as long as you can. It's basically one of my life mottos :) Good to let your son learn it early, ha. And, ugh, I hate when my DVR doesn't record what it's supposed to!
