Monday, April 29, 2013
9 months old!
Last week William turned 9 months old! It is crazy to think about him almost being 1! This months photo session resulted in nearly 120 photos to get about 15 good ones! Between him not feeling well, me not feeling well, and a dead camera battery I thought we'd never get some decent photos.
Weight: We find out for sure tomorrow but I'm guessing around 22 lbs
Height: Again we find our for sure tomorrow but I'm guessing 29-30 inches
Diaper size: 3
Clothes: 9 and 12 months. Most are 12 months, but he can still wear a few of his 9 month shirts.
Sleeping: around 11 hours at night. We have recently moved to one long nap of around 1.5-2 hours and one 45-60 minute nap. It has been working out great. I can get a lot done during the long nap.
Four teeth are currently all the way in. Two more are about half way in. I feel like we have been non-stop teething for 5 months now
Favorite things: all the usual toys--Sophie, Rattle Ball, blocks, books, teethers. His new favorite toy is a mini Georgia Tech volleyball. We had to give it to him for his photos in order to make him sit still.
The talk of a birthday party has begun. I was thinking of a small family party for his one year party. Grandparents, his couple aunts and uncles, and his 5 cousins. My husband has a giant event at the pool with all our friends with kids. Does everyone really have a huge party for their child turning one?? He won't even remember it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
So What! Wednesday
Today I'm saying So What if:
-I have been a big baby about this oral surgery thing. You try having 2 titanium rods screwed into your jaw and see how you feel. Let me tell you, it is not fun.
-I'm currently drinking a Coke as I type this. I am giving it up, but after having oral surgery last Friday it seems to ease my pain. Maybe it is mental.
-I can only eat soft foods until Friday. Ice cream is soft!!
-I'm watching some strange Syfy show while the baby sleeps. I walked over and turned on the TV because I didn't see the remote. I guess my husband was watching this channel.
-I still can't find the TV remote and am too lazy to look for it this morning.
-The baby and I went back to sleep after he nursed at 7am. Now his nap schedule is off and I have no one to blame but myself.
-I want an umbrella stroller for William but have no idea which one to get. Some are like $45 and some are like $200. I don't want to get ripped off but I don't want a piece of junk I need to replace before summer is over.
-I am starting to delete blogger who add their links to link ups but don't actually do the link up. It annoys me and I will no longer read you.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Today is Tuesday
Well it's been a while since I posted. A lot has been going on. Here goes:
-As most of you know my grandmother had a stroke and we went home to Mississippi to support her. She is now in a rehab facility working hard to come home. A few days ago she actually walked a few feet the other day!!! This is huge. If she can consistently walk--she can come home! Thanks for all the messages and prayers for her.
-Friday, I had oral surgery. Two titanium rods were placed in my jaw to support 2 implant teeth that will be placed this summer. I am a big baby when it comes to this sort of thing but I still say it was/is horrible! One side of my mouth is still swelled. It looks horrible in there and I still can't get my bottom retainer in. Thank God I was put out for the surgery. I am sure I couldn't have survived it otherwise.
-Sunday, Bill took me to the Blooming Festival in Cullman. It was nice. I got a bunch of great smelling candles and soap made by the monks at the Abbey.
-Yesterday was a beautiful day here! The temperature was in the low 70s most of the day and a nice breeze was blowing. The little man and I spent a lot of time outside and he was thrilled!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
So What! Wednesday
This week I'm saying so what if:
-Yesterday, while the baby was sleeping I went on a Diet Coke binge. I'm still working on giving it up. I was tired and needed caffeine. I only started regretting it about 1 hour ago when I considered having more.
-This morning the baby and I went back to sleep after his 6:30 feeding. We didn't get back up until 8:30. His nap schedule is completely messed up now but I don't care. I needed the sleep!
-I am completely over this crawling business. I feel like I am constantly sweeping/mopping the floors! I hate cleaning the floors multiple times daily. Walk already!! I know that sounds terrible.
-I started reading Silver Linings Playbook and I don't like it. It is this months book club book. It is sooo depressing. I am ready for it to be over.
-I need to have my tires rotated but I don't see it happening anytime soon. I hate waiting forever while it gets done. Especially with an 8 month old--no thank you!
-I'm considering cancelling my appointment with the oral surgeon on Friday. I am not ready for the pain or the expense.
Go link up with Shannon over at Life after I Dew and share what you're saying So What! to today!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
-I've been gone for a while. We just got back from Mississippi from visiting my grandmother. I didn't take my computer with me and I hate blogging on my phone. It turns out she had several small strokes. She is doing a lot better now. A few a day she was released from the hospital. Her speech is improving, as well as, her hand strength. She's currently in rehab trying to strengthen her legs so she can go home. I appreciate all the emails sent to me asking about her. It is nice to know so many people care.
-In happier news, our little guy has turned into a crawling machine. He just goes wherever he wants to go. After last weeks Kleenex incident, I have turned the bottom shelf of the side table in to his shelf. It is filled with his books that he can pull down and play with when he wants to. He is getting into everything! Also, he has learned how to go from crawling to sitting by himself. He is growing up so fast.
-We got a new hot water heater. It is amazing! I didnt' realize how bad ours was until we got the new one! I think I had forgotten how wonderful an actual hot shower is. I think I may have turned into a prune while taking a shower this morning!
-In happier news, our little guy has turned into a crawling machine. He just goes wherever he wants to go. After last weeks Kleenex incident, I have turned the bottom shelf of the side table in to his shelf. It is filled with his books that he can pull down and play with when he wants to. He is getting into everything! Also, he has learned how to go from crawling to sitting by himself. He is growing up so fast.
-We got a new hot water heater. It is amazing! I didnt' realize how bad ours was until we got the new one! I think I had forgotten how wonderful an actual hot shower is. I think I may have turned into a prune while taking a shower this morning!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Today I'm headed home to visit my grandmother. She is 90 years old and an amazing lady. Sunday she had a stroke. This is a woman who lived through both world wars, the depression, and numerous hard times as the wife if a farmer. It amazes me to think about all she has seen during her life. She is a wife, mother of 5, grandmother, great grandmother, and a great great grandmother.
When I talked to her yesterday she was having trouble putting her thoughts into words. She just couldn't say what she wanted to say. I hope that her doctors and with God's help she will be able to recover. I can't imagine my son growing up not knowing her.
When I talked to her yesterday she was having trouble putting her thoughts into words. She just couldn't say what she wanted to say. I hope that her doctors and with God's help she will be able to recover. I can't imagine my son growing up not knowing her.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
So What! Wednesday
Once again I'm linking up with Shannon for another So What! Wednesday. This week I'm saying so what if:
- I think my kid is the cutest baby ever! I'm sure most moms feel that way about their children. It is something about those cute chubby cheeks!
- I gave up Coke for Lent; however, since Easter I've had one every day. BAD I know. I must do better.
- I currently have 17 shows on my DVR. I am so far behind. It is hard to get all of it watched. I don't want to watch trash/reality TV while the baby is awake. I don't want him to see it even though I don't think he has any idea what's going on.
- I have an appointment with an oral surgeon on Thursday. I am trying not to think about it.
- I got to scope out the local nursery the other day. It is a good thing I didn't bring any money with me. I would have bought a ton of stuff! I am so ready for spring gardening!
- I want a new hairstyle but can't decide what I want to do.
- Our meal plan for the week features using the crock pot 3 times this week. It's just too easy!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Weekend Review
-Bill had Friday off so we had a nice long weekend together. It was really nice.
-This weekend was devastating to my bracket. I lost all my final four teams except Louisville. If Louisville doesn't win the championship I can not beat my husband. It is mathematically impossible. So everyone please cheer for Louisville. I really want to beat Bill!
-Saturday our little man started to crawl! how exciting!! He just sort of did it all at once. No real warning! We were quite surprised.
-We had a great Easter. It was Will's first Easter and we had hoped to spend it with one set of grandparents but that fell through. My dad and step mom were unable to come here because she had to work late Saturday. After the late notice we weren't up for the five hour drive to Bill's parents, so we spent the day with just the 3 of us. It was nice. I made mannicotti. Not a traditional Easter food but we enjoyed it.
-This weekend was devastating to my bracket. I lost all my final four teams except Louisville. If Louisville doesn't win the championship I can not beat my husband. It is mathematically impossible. So everyone please cheer for Louisville. I really want to beat Bill!
-Saturday our little man started to crawl! how exciting!! He just sort of did it all at once. No real warning! We were quite surprised.
-We had a great Easter. It was Will's first Easter and we had hoped to spend it with one set of grandparents but that fell through. My dad and step mom were unable to come here because she had to work late Saturday. After the late notice we weren't up for the five hour drive to Bill's parents, so we spent the day with just the 3 of us. It was nice. I made mannicotti. Not a traditional Easter food but we enjoyed it.
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