Well it's been a while since I posted. A lot has been going on. Here goes:
-As most of you know my grandmother had a stroke and we went home to Mississippi to support her. She is now in a rehab facility working hard to come home. A few days ago she actually walked a few feet the other day!!! This is huge. If she can consistently walk--she can come home! Thanks for all the messages and prayers for her.
-Friday, I had oral surgery. Two titanium rods were placed in my jaw to support 2 implant teeth that will be placed this summer. I am a big baby when it comes to this sort of thing but I still say it was/is horrible! One side of my mouth is still swelled. It looks horrible in there and I still can't get my bottom retainer in. Thank God I was put out for the surgery. I am sure I couldn't have survived it otherwise.
-Sunday, Bill took me to the Blooming Festival in Cullman. It was nice. I got a bunch of great smelling candles and soap made by the monks at the Abbey.
-Yesterday was a beautiful day here! The temperature was in the low 70s most of the day and a nice breeze was blowing. The little man and I spent a lot of time outside and he was thrilled!
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