Monday, April 1, 2013

Weekend Review

-Bill had Friday off so we had a nice long weekend together. It was really nice.
-This weekend was devastating to my bracket. I lost all my final four teams except Louisville. If Louisville doesn't win the championship I can not beat my husband. It is mathematically impossible. So everyone please cheer for Louisville. I really want to beat Bill!
-Saturday our little man started to crawl! how exciting!! He just sort of did it all at once. No real warning! We were quite surprised.
-We had a great Easter. It was Will's first Easter and we had hoped to spend it with one set of grandparents but that fell through. My dad and step mom were unable to come here because she had to work late Saturday. After the late notice we weren't up for the five hour drive to Bill's parents, so we spent the day with just the 3 of us. It was nice. I made mannicotti. Not a traditional Easter food but we enjoyed it.


  1. We had lasagna....frozen. :) I find I enjoy easy holidays more now that I have a toddler. Trying to do the big get togethers, skipping naps, lots of people aren't so much fun for me.
    Also yay for crawling!

    1. After this holiday, I think I agree it is easier without all the travel/big get togethers. Especially at the age he is now!
